
The Simply Real Motherhood Blog

Helpful Supplements in my Postpartum Journey

backpain maternity newmom pelvic floor physicalhealth postpartum postpartumcare postpartumhealing postpartumrecovery pregnancy Sep 18, 2023

Are you new to supplements and are uncertain where to begin? 

If so, read on, and I hope you find this information valuable. 


Although I am a firm believer that the vast majority of our nutrients and minerals should come from our food source, I also realize that this is not always realistic and we may encounter a nutritional gap that may need to be filled. 

That is where supplementation can play an important role in helping you reach your health goals.  

Over the last few years I have taken a variety of supplements that were used to help fulfill micronutrients that I was lacking.  As my body has changed, so have my supplementary needs. 

During this current season of life, I will break down the list of supplements I am currently using to help support my body during this postpartum period. 

But before I get there, you may be wondering, which supplements should I be taking? 

My best advice is to tune into your body. Pay attention to how you feel. Do you frequently feel tired? Restless? Anxious? Overwhelmed? Whatever you may be feeling, make note, and discuss these symptoms with your healthcare provider. 

Supplements are meant to be taken in an effort to address any low or deficient micronutrient levels within your body. Your healthcare practitioner may explore options based on your reported symptoms or they may suggest checking your blood levels to determine what vitamins or minerals may be right for you. 

Also, I cannot stress this enough, before you take any nutritional supplement, consult with your medical doctor. This is especially important if you are pregnant, nursing, or suspect a medical condition, or are taking any medication, to ensure  the supplements will not counteract your medications.  

Below are the supplements that I have found to be helpful (currently): 

Mega Food, Baby and Me 2 (Post-Natal): Taking a post-natal supplement is just as important as it is to take a prenatal support supplement, especially if you are a nursing mama. Pregnancy and delivery can take a large toll on a female’s body; therefore, by taking a postnatal supplement you are ensuring that you give your body what it needs to adequately optimize and recover. This is conjunction with eating a balanced diet, getting rest when you can and having a support system you ensuring you are taking care of your body to the best of your abilities during this fourth trimester.

Nordic Naturals, Postnatal Omega 3: Supplement especially important for women who are nursing as it contains EPA+DHA to help support the mother’s mood (and overall wellness) as well as neurological development in nursing infants.
Chelated Magnesium: Magnesium is a powerhouse of a supplement that is known for helping convert food into energy, as well as an important role in muscle relaxation. However, its biggest role is its relation it has on regulating the nervous system which can bring you rest, fight depression, anxiety, and inflammation. Also, this chelated version of magnesium is an easily absorbable form by the body.

Vitamin D3: Another powerhouse of a supplement that is important especially for those who don’t spend time out in the daylight outside or who reside in the colder/less sunny parts of the country/world. Vitamin d3 is key to helping our bodies absorb calcium to maintain our bone health, keep our energy levels up, and boost our mood.

Primal Defense Probiotic: We’ve all heard that probiotics have an important part in our health and immune function. But why? Well, it’s through the use of probiotics (in supplement OR food form), that it can promote digestive healthy and regulate movement of food through your intestines. Research shows benefits of taking probiotics as part of your prenatal regimen and also beyond. During pregnancy not only could a probiotic help with reducing risk of preeclampsia, but reduce stomach sensitivity associated with morning sickness, and help promote your babies immune system. Additionally, during the postpartum period, it has been noted to help with postpartum depression, maintain healthy blood sugars, and help promote postpartum weight loss.

Choline Bitartrate: Shown to be an important nutrient that resembles folic acid and has importance during the pre-natal period, but also in the postnatal period, again especially in nursing mothers. It is linked with playing an important role in baby’s brain and memory development.
Protea Baseline: Helps support balancing hormones in women and can be used as a fertility support supplement.

Protea Stress Defy: Used to help control the body’s response to everyday stressors through a blend of nutrients that aid healthy adrenal gland function. By controlling cortisol levels your body has an opportunity to adjust to mental, physical and emotional stress.

With that said, this is what I have found works well for me and my body right now. When I am done nursing, my body will change and so will my needs. 

Knowing which supplements you need is the first step in the process, the next step is determining which brand and/or product is right for you. 

When you walk into an aisle at the store it may feel incredibly overwhelming, there are hundreds of supplements that line the shelves. When you look online, the confusion only broadens as there are thousands of products out there. 

Below are a few tips to look out for: 

  • What is the quality and efficiency? Are the ingredients sourced from a non-toxic environment?

  • Look at the product brand. Is their reputation reputable and does it hold up to what they claim?

  • Consider the dosing. This is incredibly important because we may be of the mindset that more is better, but this isn’t true. Lower doses of supplements may help with ease on the stomach, being more absorbable, and safer, less toxic levels of ingredients.

  • Read the labels, are the products GMO (genetically modified organism) free? GMOs are something to steer clear of as they may contain high doses and use of toxic herbicides and pesticides that are linked to taxing your overall physical health

  • Free of artificial ingredients. Look for clean products that contain no added sugars, artificial ingredients, and additives.

  • Look at cost that is reasonable to you. Cheaper is not always better and high ticket items doesn’t’ mean you’re getting the best product either. Always do your research and shop according to what you can budget.

Supplements are not meant to replace eating a balanced diet, but they can certainly help fill a gap where it is needed. 

I hope you find these tips helpful and I that this gives you confidence in looking for something that is right for you and your body. 

Let me know below what some of your favorite supplements are below!